Thursday, November 29, 2007

你了解女孩吗? ( Do you understand her?) - I definitely No idea


其实很多男孩子都不知道,女孩子 从来不会真
正生他们的气,因为她是 真的喜欢他在乎他。

其实很 多男孩子都不知道,女孩子只会对她自
己喜欢的男生唠唠叨叨,也只会对自己喜欢 的人

你要 知道,假若她不喜欢你,她根本不会来
你关心你,她是 怕你做错事情。

你要知道, 假若她不喜欢你,她根 本不会对你发
火,不会冲你撒娇,不 会让你哄她--因为在
别人面前她都 是淑女。

你要知道,假若她 不喜欢你,你根本就没有本事
让她哭 泣,即使让她生气也不会超过2天!

而这一切都只是因为她喜欢你,而这 一切都因为
你还不够在意她不够懂她 ……

于是,你们时常争吵, 你认为她脾气不好,她认
为你不够迁 就她……

于是,你们总是冷 战,你以为她不喜欢你,她以
为你不 在乎她……

于是,你们总莫 名其妙的彼此错过,也许擦身而
过本 身就是一种悲伤着的无奈与幸福……

要知道,凄美依然是美的一种,并且 美的绚丽悲
凉而沧桑,那是更加的美 ~

因为她喜欢你,所以才偶 尔冲你发火,时常对你
撒娇.因为她 喜欢你,所以才会生你的气;
而又是 因为喜欢你,她才不会去生气那么久。

你可知道,每个女孩子的心都是水 晶做的,晶莹
剔透,很容易就碰伤摔 碎。

你可知道,每个女孩子 都是不设防的,你那么轻
易就闯进她 的心,走的时候却只留下伤害!
她从 来都不知道,这个世界上根本没有可 以让她
哭的人,因为真正值得让她哭 的那个人根本
她哭 ……
她会很矜持,她会很骄傲,她会 很冷淡,她总是
嘴里说着“你走开” ,心里却一直叫你留下。

请 竖起你的耳朵,也请打开你的心,去听她内心
真正的呼唤吧,而不是她嘴里的口是 心非!

她会看着你转身,然 后她跟着你转身;当侧身而
过的时候 ,你看不见她的泪,那是滂沱在心
里 的泪~

如果你 喜欢她,请多陪陪她; 如果你喜欢她,请
多宠宠她;如果你 喜欢她,请多让让她……

如 果你真的喜欢她,请你去听听她内心的声音,
那是一种呐喊!请你张开臂膀拥抱她 !

在爱情世界里,你们总是 彼此伤害着,彷佛这样
才能证明自己 爱得激烈,爱到轰轰烈烈!

可是,爱情没有孰对孰错,更没有你比我多我 比

你 爱她,她爱你,如此就已经足够,不要试图让
彼此受伤,让彼此更加脆弱悲伤。& lt;br>
你们彼此相爱需 要的是温暖、 是幸福、是甜蜜、
是快乐,而不是伤 害。

不要用沉默宣战,不要 互不相让,更不要什么话
都不讲就漠 然离去。

要知道,当你离去 的时候,你的眼睛起了雾,她
的眼角 泛着泪光……

越是安静,战 火就越传,这是冷战,也是彼此的
伤 害。无论以后怎么的复合,那些伤口是曾经存 在的,
是你怎么也抹不去的……请给她一个拥抱,用你的拥抱去 化解她心里的悲
伤与眼角的泪水。& lt;br>
她喜欢你,她绝 对不会拒绝你 的拥抱,她只会害
怕你的冷漠、转身 的无声安静。

请记住,相爱 的人不要宣战,因为带来的伤害超
出 你的预计。

也请记住,只要 你喜欢她,没什么是你接受不了
的, 只要你喜欢她,就喜欢她的一切一切。

那么她所有的小性子、所有的坏脾 气、所有的臭
毛病在你眼里都是撒娇 。

也请记住,她喜欢你,需 要的不是你真的转身,
她嘴里说着的 也不是她真心话。

她只是想 你宠她,想你抱她……

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Kingdom of Ping Pongs

Today was a very nice day...

i had my dim sum with my friend....happy with it....learn a new dim sum though..the tauke called it "cham tau mai"- "bantal dimsum" ...weird..but nice to eat

After that i watched the movie "The Kingdom" - okay- it was quite a nice movie with a bit history background of Saudi Arabia country and it's oil production problem for the past 60-70 years then from 1970s onwards , it was some history of the Osama Bin Laden with the Saudi Arabia's Royal Family - enlighten me a bit about Saudi Arabia and it's islamic traditions.
Story: US FBI against Terrorist Attacks. Imagine gun-fightings

Then i went over to my fren's house, finally got a chance to play C&C3 Tiberium Wars... damn happy...wanted to play so long oledi but my PC canot support... haiz, cham until nid use other ppl's PC to play. "jit toh"

Having a great time exploring C&C3 , until i forget the was 6pm...OMG i finish movie was like 2pm.. His housemates suddenly say wanna play ping pong...(i'm like 'wahhhh', i so long nvr play ping pong oledi, it was very tempting), so we all end up playing ping pongs. Havent have so much fun since primary school...that was the days...hahaha....throwing bats to book tables, running thru 4 floors of stairs less than 30 sec, run thru the field eventhough Prefects are shouting "dont run!!!" "dont run!!!" ( "Hell with it" was what we all said). I was so happy when i touches the ping pong's was like gone back to 10-12 years ago.. when all the skill of angle, spinning, chopping.....hehehe... wasted 3 hours on that..having a great time

Never Forget the "War of the Butterflies!" - Table Tennis Bat famous Brand - ButterFly

Notes: Thanks to Edmundlee, Naidu,Alex and Munkeong + zying

Saturday, November 24, 2007





Sunday, November 11, 2007

The True Meaning of "cui loh"(找路) and "liao zi tua kang"(损失一大笔)

A day of blessing in disguise (quoted from edmundlee)
Was planning to go to JB today. So, my elder brother came by to fetch PiuDiu. (quoted from edmundlee, actually Pudu)

Unfortunately, there were no ticket left to JB for the whole day till nite....every single bus ticket counter of the whole pudu station. Ya...rite...ALL COUNTER. It make matter worse when after that, my brother and i went to find the so called famous Pudu Chicken Rice..(forget what is the name of the shop some sort like old chinatown building..), we waste like 1 hour to find the shop and parking, What do you know? Today the shop closed....(Great, we end up eating chicken rice too, juz tat it was the shop next to it.(Fortunately, it taste ok..)

After the not very filling chicken rice, and i end up got no where to go, we decided to go the 'Pavillion KL' in jln bukit bintang...

First Impression: enormous
Second Impression: expensive
Third Impression: weird

Enormous big.., very expensive stuffs, and many weird and unique brands.

okay, i saw the most famous J.Co Donuts. Holy Cow!!!! so many ppl queuing.....
I think the only attractives the Rm 30 = 25 biji donuts...about the taste, i dunno...coz too many ppl, my brother and i lazy to wait.

Ever heard of Red Box PLus? WoW, no play play, it can occupy 40 people in 1 room(if i heard correctly), i wondered...What for many ppl, who shud go up and sing? or....all are fighting for the mic. hohoh XD.

Anyway, last but not least, i end up going back tmr at 12 JB. Hopefully i no miss the bus...

Moral of the story: 1. Buy your bus ticket early
2. When decided on something, dun change it spontaneously.
3. ............Forget something goto NOTE

Note: There are bus ticket to JB actually for today, but it was a Bas Persiaran and it charges RM40 for 1 ticket. 乘人之危.....sienness MAXIMUM.